MBTCS Membership

starting at $10/month

Changing the world, one nest box at a time.

Learn from our five decades of experience.

Our volunteer team bring years of experience and leadership in conservation best practices. We work with an international network of partners to understand and protect critical habitat of the Mountain Bluebird.

What’s Included


Help bolster the Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society’s network of over 2,700+ Mountain Bluebird nest boxes throughout Southern Alberta, Canada.


Stay connected and informed. Receive the latest MBTCS news every spring and fall. Contribute articles, photos, and join our community of bluebird lovers!

Voting Privileges

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more.

“Our team of 110+ volunteers maintain a vast network of Mountain Bluebird trails, increasing habitat and restoring the natural range of these beautiful birds.”

— Jim Leitch, President

“I feel more connected to Mountain Bluebirds than ever before! Thank you for helping to support my love of bluebirds and connecting me with a community of trail monitors”

— Curtis G., Member

“I love bluebirds!”

— Anonymous

We are committed to inspiring the next generation to help sustain habitat corridors for breeding populations of Mountain Bluebirds.

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