MBTCS News & Updates

Mountain Bluebirds: 5 key insights from 50 years of nest box monitoring
Learn from our 50 years of experience!

Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society celebrates 50 years
The Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society is thrilled to celebrate their 50th anniversary milestone at the Annual General Meeting on Saturday April 6, 2024 at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Myrna Pearman is the featured guest speaker!
‘How to build your own Bluebird Trail’ from Myrna Pearman’s YouTube Channel
We are thrilled to share a video from Myrna Pearman’s YouTube channel - specifically this great overview of the Mountain Bluebird Trail Monitoring Guide!
Trail Monitor Stories: Kathy Koenig
One of the great things about being a Trail Monitor is the vast opportunity it provides to get outdoors, enjoy the fresh air, scenery and glimpses of other birds and other wildlife. In this new and hopefully long-term feature, we’ve asked monitors to share some of their experiences and photographs from their year of trail work. Featured on this post are photos and narrative from MBTCS Treasurer Kathy Koenig:
Trail Rejuvenation in Crowsnest Pass
An update from our Trail Master Steven Shumborski on trail redevelopment in the Crowsnest Pass. The work was coordinated around nesting season to minimize disturbance and resulted in the first 33 renovated boxes being installed on September 20, 2022.

“Bluebird Man” is a great documentary about Al Larson and Bluebird Recovery
Bluebird Man is the story of 94-year-old Al Larson, a self-taught conservationist who has committed the last 35 years of his life to recovering North America’s bluebirds. Breathtaking scenery, intimate conversations and stunning footage of all three species of bluebird create a powerful film that reveals the secret behind Al’s longevity while providing inspiration for our next generation of citizen scientists.

Supporting Students Redevelop a Trail in Guernsey State Park, WY
We receive the occasional inquiry about building the ideal nest box for Mountain Bluebirds and are always happy to help as best as we can. Our Trail Master was contacted in early March with questions from Wyoming for a trail redevelopment at Guernsey State Park! He went above and beyond by sending pieces for a sample MBTCS nest box at the end of March.

Transfer of Bluebird Trails
Talking your friends into looking after a trail you are no longer able to look after leads to disaster. I regularly encounter this experience and an abandoned trail is often the result.