MBTCS News & Updates

President’s Spring Report
Spring has arrived, I think, but we certainly can't draw that conclusion if we use the weather as the determining factor. We know spring has arrived for sure when we hear about early sightings of the beautiful mountain bluebird. Some of those early sightings were in mid to late March this year. Most of our feathered friends arrive to begin their nesting process in April and early May.
President’s Fall Report
As I pen this report for the 2022 season, I can't help but be surprised at the pleasant warm fall season we are experiencing. It seems like a repeat of last fall. Like last year as well this past season we saw some pretty extreme weather. A late arriving spring followed by an extended very hot summer.

President’s Spring Report
Spring is finally in the air with the return of the stunning mountain bluebird. We had an early sighting from one of our local members here in Lethbridge on April 2 at the Popson Park picnic shelter. There were also other sightings in other parts of the province as early as mid-March.

President’s Fall Report
This has been an extraordinary year for unpredictable weather, with unprecedented heat this past summer. These extreme weather patterns have also taken a toll on the mountain bluebird population. Numbers of returning bluebirds this past spring to nest were down from previous years and in some areas the birds were late in arriving.

President’s Spring Report
Spring is here and the bluebirds have returned. We are looking forward to another year of monitoring the trails! There were early sightings this year in the foothills in mid-March. Spring is a wonderful time of year as it brings brings us hope for the future and the anticipation of new things and a reminder of old familiar things.

President’s Fall Report
As I reported in the spring newsletter this year, I find myself once again sitting in my backyard on a beautiful sunny fall afternoon and like then, I am distracted by the events that surround us. It has now been roughly seven months since the onslaught of this world-wide pandemic. Like everywhere, we as a bluebird society were not exempt from its impact, but I must say we made every effort to carry on and do the best we could.

President's Report - Fall 2019
Well, another season has come and gone with a new crop of young Mountain bluebird fledglings heading south for the winter. In spite of a late and coolish start to the season, it would appear at this stage that this was a pretty typical year for bluebird nestlings and subsequent fledglings.
President’s Report - Spring 2019
Greetings to all, and all the best this spring and summer. We are all looking forward to another year on the bluebird trail. As your new president, I would be remiss if I didn't take the opportunity to acknowledge and thank our outgoing president, Joe Michielsen, for his hard work and dedication in his role as president of the Mountain Bluebird Trails Conservation Society.

President's Report - Fall 2018
Migration in fall 2017 and spring 2018 was very rough on the mountain bluebird population. Fall and winter roared in last fall with an early snowstorm and continued with very few breaks. Then winter continued until ate April while the bluebirds were returning and looking for both food and nesting sites.